Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lets Tri This

Over the last three years, I have meandered into the world of triathlon. What started as barely being able to jog one lap (ok, half of a lap) around the track at my son's football practice turned into a 5K, and eventually that morphed into my first swim-bike-run.

I'm not going to lie- it wasn't easy. I had no experience in any of the three sports, and did not know anyone who raced triathlon. I did have friends that ran and biked, which helped me tremendously, but I relied a lot on books, Google, and of course- You Tube.

Three years after my first 5K, I have now completed my first Olympic distance triathlon, and will have run in 3 half-marathons this year alone. I have goals of a half-iron by the age of 45, and a full by year 50.

Yep- you heard me right. I'm no spring chicken.

I had a blog in 2014 where I wrote about something positive every single day for a year. What started out as a New Year's Resolution turned into so much more- I was surprised to find how many people actually read my blog, and were sad to see it close on New Year's Eve.

So, I've decided to venture into the world of writing again. It won't be every day, and it may not be something everyone wants to read. But that's ok. This is actually more for me than you- but it's a bonus if someone else enjoys reading it and an even bigger bonus if it inspires someone (anyone!!) to "tri".

And that doesn't have to be swimming, biking, or running. Because I have found that this sport is so much more than that. It's about setting personal goals and making a promise to yourself. It truly is about "tri-ing". These days, it's very easy to let yourself be last on the To-Do list ( and I LOVE lists...). And it's easy to make excuses (yes I said it-excuses) about why we don't take better care of ourselves. Plus, our society almost encourages us to be unhealthy- with McDonalds and even Starbucks at every corner it's no wonder our country has an obesity problem! It truly is hard to commit to being healthy- it's a lifestyle, NOT a fad. It's almost a full-time job- and hell, I already have one of those!!!

Now don't get me wrong. I ate pizza for dinner last night and drank two beers. But I also ran 3 miles before work and am going to run 12 today. It's all about balance. I tell many people I workout so I can eat. And that is so true- I LOVE to eat. Today is our town's annual festival, and I woke up smiling knowing I would eat a funnel cake today.

But what I love even more is the feeling I have after a hard workout (you have to wait until the end of the workout usually for the good feelings unfortunately). I love that I feel healthier now than I did 10 years ago. I love that my son sees me putting my workout gear on and coming home sweaty.

Yeah, yeah Stephanie. But what can we expect from your new blog?

Well, let me start by saying you should probably expect some cuss words. I am not exactly a potty mouth, but I do tend to express myself through less-than-angelic quotes every now and then...

You should also expect to smile. I want this blog to be positive. And humorous. I want people to see you can laugh at yourself without it being the end of the world. Because when you try something new, there are bound to be moments where your ass is hanging out ( sometimes literally...).

So let's have some fun. Let's learn from each other. Let's share our successes and yes, failures, together. Knowing others are struggling just like me, or are solidly moving towards their goals, is something that motivates me and reminds me I am not alone. Let's "tri" together- because you truly don't know what you are capable of if you never try to find out.

The pic below was taken before my first "Intermediate" distance triathlon. It has since become my motto. Because everyone should have a motto, right?

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